Saturday, 29 January 2011


I have now found out every astro-photographers crux is focusing. The camera I am using "Fuji FinePix S5000" is a bridge camera with a fixed lenses. It is designed to be used in auto-focus mode, although there is a 'manual focus' feature, which can be achieved by pressing buttons. This is difficult to use as the image displayed on the cameras screen is too lower resolution to allow correct focusing. The first image is the cameras auto focus with the image zoomed out completely. It is not unsatisfactory (minus the slight visual distortion in the center), but this camera sports a 10x zoom. When used to it's full extent then auto focus fails to work, and the best manual focus I could get can be seen on the second image (on the right). I have been advised that a good way to achieve focus is with a "Bahtinov Focusing Mask". So I will be making one of those shortly.

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